Schools here have a different structure. There is a lecture each week that is accompanied by a tutorial where intense discussion and interaction will happen each week, something I am not used to. Teachers here emphasize on before class preparation, critical analysis, outside readings..........blah blah blah. Basically, there are a lot of work and research.
Teachers here don't give out grades easily. You really really have to prove your intelligence to earn them. In the States, we start with 100% and points are taken away. Here, you start with 0 and build up. For most classes, 50% is a pass. Most people fall in between 65% to 74% range. It is RARE to get about 85% which they call high distinction...another difference that I can't get my head to wrap around with. The amount of work for a decent 70% here is far more than the amount of 70% work in the US. I am trying to assimilate but I guess it is taking its own sweet time. One of the hardest thing for me is not knowing teacher's expectations, they seem vague to me, an exchange student's point of view. I am doing things that I thought is what they meant, but only found myself on the totally wrong track. Everything takes time =)
UNSW is a big school, it is no Drake. Total student population is about 60,000 (hahaha..more than 10 times of Drake). There is a lower campus, and via about 200 stair steps, you can get to the upper campus. It is a workout to walk across this campus. There isn't a clear layout of the buildings nor the rooms within the buildings. I have to leave my apartment one hour earlier just to get to class on time (30min on the bus, and 30 nin to find my classroom). And til this day, I still don't know my ways around the campus. I don't think I will ever=P. I have never thought how much I loved Drake. Everything is so efficient there, no long lines at the printing machine, the coffee shop, the bookstores, the library computers, even the help desk. The things I take granted at Drake, mmmm not here. And quite frankly, it is driving me kind of nuts. BUT, I understand it is a big school.

Well, you'll get used to it. It's different culture too. They are more towards the British way of doing things.