My parents went to Melbourne for three days. I didn't follow partly because I have to study, and also I have already signed up with my study abroad agent to visit Melbourne next weekend. I figured I don't need to waste another $450 to go to Melbourne again.
While they are enjoying Melbourne, my housemate, Shamika, and I visited Manly.
What a name right?! Manly? haha. Manly is a northern suburb of Sydney. From my apartment, we took the bus to Circular Quay and took the ferry to Manly...about an hour all together. Manly is named by Captain Arthur Phillip after being speared by the local indigenous people. He gave the name because of the "confidence and manly behaviour (oh my god, I am spelling like a British..I seriously didn't even think about it when I typed it out...) of the local people".
I like Manly..kind of away from the busy city, the noises..and just a very relaxed ambiance. It is a resort like village..people come here to have a vacation. And there is plenty to do there as well. You can head down to the beach..get a tan or something. You can rent a bike and bike down 4 different paths and explore the village. You can shop in their little cute stores. Or you can have a filling dinner.
My housemate and I decided to go for a bike tour on our own =)
The beach(abundance in Australia!):

Childhood revived!!! I haven't ridden a bike in ages...umm since middle school?

We chose 2 paths. One is along the beach which is easiest of all. Then we challenged ourselves a bit and went for the mountain biking.
First the beach:

Now the mountain...=.=" It took us about 1 1/2 hour to get to the top. We rested in the middle where we just sat in the middle of the side walk, and picnic-ed basically. There were people walking by, looking at us funny, but neh..we didn't care quite frankly. We just want our rest and fruits. :D

We didn't bike all the way. We came down and walked with our bikes. Even with that we were still sweating like pigs...huffing and puffing...>.<"
Shamika's face says it all. 
Finally we reached the top and ahhhhh~~~~~ it was worth it. We were in for a treat!!!

Taking the view in (love this picture):

This next picture was taken by a couple who too took the challenge and came all the way to the top. We all acknowledged the fact that we made it and that it was all worth. It was kind of is like they understand us, and we understand them..the battle of biking uphill =)

Can you see Sydney in the distance?

We were all happy and content afterwards. Time to zoom down that hill..wahahahahahahhaha. It only took us 5 mins...7 mins TOP. =)

Sun is setting....

Back on the ferry overlooking beautiful =)
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